Decoded table for DelayedWithdrawalCreated events from the DelayedWithdrawalRouter contract on Ethereum mainnet.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
| CHARACTER VARYING | The address of the owner of the pod who initiated the withdrawal. |
| CHARACTER VARYING | The address of the recipient who can claim the withdrawal. |
| DECIMAL | The rounded Ether balance of the amount to claim, in gwei. |
| CHARACTER VARYING | The exact, unrounded Ether balance of the amount to claim, in wei. Stored as a hexadecimal string. |
| BIGINT | The total number of withdrawals this pod owner has initiated. |
| CHARACTER VARYING | The hash of the transaction where this event occurred. |
| BIGINT | The index of the log event within the Ethereum block. |
| CHARACTER VARYING | The hash of the block that contains the transaction which contains this event. |
| BIGINT | The timestamp of the block that contains the transaction which contains this event. |
| BIGINT | The block number in the blockchain that contains the transaction which contains this event. |
Last updated