Frequently asked questions
What's the difference between the Spice.ai Cloud Platform and Spice.ai OSS?
Spice.ai OSS is an open-source project created by Spice AI that provides a unified SQL query interface to locally materialize, accelerate, and query data tables sourced from any database, data warehouse, or data lake.
The Spice.ai Cloud Platform is a data and AI application platform that provides a set of building-block to create data and AI driven applications. Building blocks include a cloud-data-warehouse, ML model training and inference, and a cloud-scale, managed Spice.ai OSS cloud-hosted service.
What data is available?
Spice.ai is preloaded with community data, including select blockchain datasets from Ethereum (including Beacon) and Bitcoin blockchain data along with ENS, DeFi/DEX (Sushiswap, Uniswap-V2, Uniswap-V3, Aave), NFT and token specific data. Spice.ai also features a comprehensive set of EigenLayer datasets.
Datasets can be published to the Spice.ai platform by the community for public or private use using Datasets and Views.
For the all-up list, see Communtiy Data and follow the Release notes for updates.
How much does Spice.ai cost?
It's free to get an API key to use the Community Edition.
For customers who need higher request or query limits, service-level guarantees, or priority support we offer high-value paid tiers based on usage.
What level of support do you offer?
We offer enterprise-grade support with an SLA for Enterprise Plans.
For standard plans we offer best-effort community support in Discord.
What SQL query engine/language do you support?
Spice.ai Cloud uses an Apache Calcite based query engine and supports the ANSI SQL standard.
Spice Firecache is uses a PostgreSQL dialect and we are working to migrate Spice.ai Cloud to a PostgreSQL compatible dialect.
Can you add <table> / dataset or index a specific on-chain contract?
We support custom views and datasets for adding and publishing new datasets.
Do you support WebSockets or other streaming?
We do not support WebSockets. Data can be streamed using Apache Arrow Flight over gRPC which is the default when using our SDKs.
Do you support JDBC//ODBC/ADBC?
Not yet, but it is on our roadmap. JDBC/ODB/ADBC is already supported by Spice.ai OSS and is coming to Spice Firecache soon.
Last updated