
Create custom dashboards and visualizations using the FlightSQL or Infinity Grafana Plugins:

Setup with FlightSQL Grafana Plugin

Installing FlightSQL Grafana Plugin

Use the FlightSQL Grafana Plugin installation instructions for an installation reference.

In the Grafana installation, navigate to Administration -> Plugins and data -> Plugins. Select "State: All" and search for "FlightSQL" in the Search box. Select "FlightSQL" in the list of plugins.

Navigating to plugins and data in Grafana, and searching for FlightSQL

Click the "Install" button to install the plugin. Once installed, a new data source can be added.

Adding Spice as a data source

Click the "Add new data source" button from the FlightSQL plugin menu.

The FlightSQL plugin menu, once the plugin is installed.

In the data source menu, provide the following options:

  • Host:Port - set to to connect to the Cloud Platform

  • Auth Type - set to token

  • Token - set to your API key.

Once these options are set, click "Save & Test". Grafana should report "OK" if the configuration is correct.

Setting up a FlightSQL datasource to connect to Cloud Platform

Creating visualizations

Create a visualization using the FlightSQL Spice.AI data source. Select the configured datasource from the list of datasources in the visualization creator.

Select the FlightSQL datasource for the visualization

Create your query using the SQL builder, or switch to a plain SQL editor by clicking the "Edit SQL" button. In this example, the query retrieves the latest query execution times from the configured App instance and displays them as a line graph.

A Grafana line graph displaying the most recent query execution times

Grafana may not automatically update the visualization when changes are made to the query. To force the visualization to update with new query changes, click the "Query Inspector" button, and click "Refresh".

Manually refreshing the visualization query in FlightSQL

Last updated

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