Tests whether the input expression is false. If it is, returns a value of true.


ISFALSE(boolean_expression boolean) → boolean

  • boolean_expression: The input expression, which must be of type BOOLEAN.


Create a table containing one column of boolean data type
CREATE TABLE $scratch.test_table 
    test_column BOOLEAN

-- true, Table created
Create two rows containing boolean values
INSERT INTO $scratch.test_table 
VALUES  (true), 

-- Fragment, Records, Path, Metadata, Partition, FileSize, IcebergMetadata, fileschema, PartitionData
-- 0_0, 1, s3://<s3-bucket-path>, , 0, <file-size>, <iceberg-metadata>, <file-schema>, null
Run the ISFALSE query
SELECT ISFALSE(test_column)
FROM $scratch.test_table

-- false 
-- true 

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