DuckDB Data Accelerator

To use DuckDB as Data Accelerator, specify duckdb as the engine for acceleration.

  - from:
    name: my_dataset
      engine: duckdb

Configuration currently only supports mode: memory for DuckDB accelerator.

Configuration params are provided in the acceleration section for a data store. Other common acceleration fields can be configured for DuckDB, see see datasets.


  • The DuckDB accelerator does not support nested lists, or structs with nested structs/lists field types. For example:

    • Supported:

      • SELECT {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3}

    • Unsupported:

      • SELECT [['duck', 'goose', 'heron'], ['frog', 'toad']]

      • SELECT {'x': [1, 2, 3]}

  • The DuckDB accelerator does not support enum, dictionary, or map field types. For example:

    • Unsupported:

      • SELECT MAP(['key1', 'key2', 'key3'], [10, 20, 30])

  • The DuckDB accelerator does not support Decimal256 (76 digits), as it exceeds DuckDB's maximum Decimal width of 38 digits.

  • Updating a dataset with DuckDB acceleration while the Spice Runtime is running (hot-reload) will cause the DuckDB accelerator query federation to disable until the Runtime is restarted.


When accelerating a dataset using mode: memory (the default), some or all of the dataset is loaded into memory. Ensure sufficient memory is available, including overhead for queries and the runtime, especially with concurrent queries.

Last updated

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