This table has a row for each wallet balance change for all eigenpods. It's possible for a row to have a balance_delta
of 0, if the balance didn't change between blocks but our logic for detecting balance changes still triggered.
Column Name | Data Type | Description |
| CHARACTER VARYING | The smart contract address of the eigenpod. |
| DECIMAL | The rounded Ether balance of this eigenpod, in gwei. |
| CHARACTER VARYING | The exact, unrounded Ether balance of this eigenpod, in wei. Stored as a hexadecimal string. |
| DECIMAL | The change in balance (in gwei) from the previous block. Can be 0. |
| BIGINT | The timestamp of the block when this eigenpod had this balance. |
| BIGINT | The block number when this eigenpod had this balance. |
| CHARACTER VARYING | The hash of the block when this eigenpod had this balance. |
Last updated